25 August 2009

Testament of a Ssangyong union worker

Now it's almost a month after dismissal of Ssangyong strike. Police choppers bombared workers with plastic bag full of tear gas concentrate, and all those non-lethal weapons including taser gun, steel clubs, rubber bullet guns were used. Police chief promised that there be no vendetta, but a worker in investigation tried to take his life in face of the coercion from police. He left a final word, and it was released yesterday.

His testament was written in Korean, and is published in:

Here I write my thoughts. I feel so dazed and heart pounds so hard that I cannot do anything. When I hear buzzing of fans or that of air conditioner, I hear choppers that were around my head. Lost all my appetite and cannot sleep, awoke twice or more, every night. I don't know what to do.

Detective *** calls me time to time and asks me, "Did you have a word with ***?", "Can three of us meet and have a nice conversation?", "Man with balls should get around." Can a man who betrays his colleagues get together with detective and have a drink? I feel like dying. I plan to die. That's the only way to compensate.

Now telephone rings. It's A. Heart pounds again.

Now I had a last conversation with ***. I told him(her) that I love him(her). I told him(her) that I love *** and ***. Now I no longer have to go there to be investigated. Were it not for detective ***, things didn't have to go this far.

My beloved comrades.

I sold my comrades. I'm sorry. Detective C from Gyeonggi province police, who took my case, is a fiend. But I am also a fiend, too. I was stupid to believe detective ***. The words he said, that he will let me live, let me have my job back, that he can get me out here, that I did nothing wrong and leaders who drove you into this are to blame, that I can be perfectly clean if I testify against them, drove me into this. I thought my family must be saved. I deserve to die.

I betrayed ***, *** and ***. I said what I haven't witnessed. That they shot a cannon, although I did not see they doing that, I told them so. It never crossed my mind that my selfish thought can lead to such a huge disunion. ***, ***, and ***, I am really sorry. Those three on my testimony is completely innocent.

Detective *** forces me, telling that "You have told us only 30% of what you know. So give them all up.", "If you speak nothing more, we cannot help you anymore." What a son of a bitch! I deserve to die, but *** deserves it, too.

When I go to toilet or have a cigarette, he says "more, more. That's the only way that I can help you. Come clean." When I go there 3 in the afternoon with a full pack of cigarette, I come out empty handed. He extorts me about 20 times a day.

Now they force me to persuade *** to blow, that *** must live, that *** will not be charged even if he made that cannon, that they plan to take who ordered it, that I should have a drink with *** and let him talk. I did not know that *** made that cannon, still less shoot it, and they force me to let *** confess. Detective *** is scum.

Now, this is the only way to compensate to my comrades.

I am sorry.

I love you.

Aug. 20. 2009 15:00

18 August 2009

No freedom for mourning

Now citizens of Republic of Korea lost two colossuses, Roh Mu-hyun and Kim Dae-jung. Now it is time for us to mourn. But that seems not so. Police blockaded City hall square of Seoul and Cheonggye square, which were heart of Candlelight protest last year, according to congressman Roh Hoechan. Some says that Deoksu palace, where citizens gathered to mourn for Roh, for the sole fact that there were people who criticized Lee Myung-bak regime.

Now some bitter memory bring me back on May. 30., when Roh's funeral was held. That day, 5 things happened.
1. Thugs rampaged Yongsan disater scene where 5 lives of civilian was lost in brutal siege attack by police. Some people believes that investigations focused on Roh, which lead to his suicide, was to conceal police negligence. The bereaved and reverend Mun Jung-hyun was beaten by gangs.
2. Police issued level 2 alert, to put down the citizens when they turn into a mob.
3. And they forcefully dismissed funeral mourners, who were following the hearse. The hearse was blocked by police force and could not move an inch for nearly an hour.
4. Kim Dae-jung, who said that he felt like "a part of my body is lost forever.", was present at funeral, but he could not speak for Roh, for government did not allow his funeral oration, in fear that it might lead to an uprising.
5. Court acquitted some conglomerate board members who excuted one of the single biggest tax evasion, though it may not be relevant here.

I could not have a moment for condolence, for I was driven into fury and bewilderment. That surely wasn't a decent funeral for a former president. Government considered mourning citizens to be a coup-ready protesters. All police forces guarded and blockaded citizens from gathering and form a parade. It is something like opening the casket and swinging an axe to cut his throat, just to make sure that he's dead, IN FRONT OF THE BEREAVED.

Now antipathy against Lee is even higher. Police movements now taking place, might only be an overture for an grand absurdity play. A person who lost a part of his soul needs to worry that a fury may fill in the void. That's no way to show respect to deceased. But stupidity inside Lee's cranium, never knows when to stop. I wonder what he will do this time, to spit on deceased man, and WHETHER WILL I BE ABLE TO TAKE THAT HUMILIATION.

12 August 2009

Prosecutor's office tries to make up a relationship between Ssangyong Union and SWL

Ssangyong workers on strike were subject to brutal violence by corporate-organized colleagues and corporate-hired Thugs(altogether called as Goo-Sar-Dae(Company Salvation Legion), and police, who should prevent violence but took part in violence and acted as a riot squad. Head of Government-thugs who once said "We plan to let those who surrenders and comes out now walk away." took all those workers at scene, and arrested 64 of them. This is single largest massive arrest since 1996.

Now prosecutors are trying to make Sa-no-ryeon(Socialist Workers League Korea, abbr. SWL) one of its main organizers, which is downright nonsense. How nonsense? read the Financial news report. I may exaggerate or mis-choose a word, but they are directly from the spokesman's mouth, at least in Korean. This is no kidding or skits for SNL. They are damn sincere, and SWL members may really be convicted.

Original article appears at Financial news, Korea.
by Sukhee Hong (hong@fnnews.com)

Public Peace department of Seoul District prosecutor's office indicted 8 members of Socialist Workers League Korea(SWL) including Chairman Oh Se-chul, a professor emeritus in Yonsei Univ. Charges were constituting and joining in an organization whose purpose is invoking social upheaval, under National Security Law.

Spokesman says that "occupation of Ssangyong factory seems to be carried out by organization similar to military organizations" and "although there is no direct proof that SWL stepped in, but in the peripheral circumstances, we were able to catch several signs that affiliates of SWL have some influences on them."

He also said that they were "not able to find evidence of armed uprising or attempt to overthrow nation", but "fact that they distributed leaflets to intrigue people suffices for indictment, and if there were evidence, they are to be prosecuted in charge of high treason."

Prosecutor's office claims that Professor Oh denied the basis of Democracy and proclaimed that 'Changes through election is a naive idea.', and that constitutes a treason under National Security Law.

Q&A follows.

▲ Other organizations participated in PyeongTaek, Yongsan, Candlelight protest. What is the reason that only SWL was prosecuted?
- There are organizations to protect the underprivileged, which is certain. But there also malicious ones who uses their desperateness to overthrow authorities and take hold of nation.

▲ Is SWL a threat to democracy in Korea?
- They are a threat, because our country is basically a democratic one, in which anyone who is to get authority must go through election process. They call it a fantasy, naiveness. They claim armed uprising.

▲ Is there any evidence?
These people formed SWL in Last February. It is at its juvenile state. There is no proof that these men participated in armed protest. But they seems to play a role in candlelight protest, protest concerning Yong-san accident, Ssangyong strike, etc. All of them is to waive the desperate to accomplish their purpose. They did not participate in armed uprising yet, but they took part in massive protest and tried to make it militant. That substantiates charges against them.

▲ Under what charges?
- Instigating. Distributing leaflets, connecting strike with a street demonstration. The fact that they instigated is enough to get them convicted.

▲ What was the most recent case?
- IS group in late 90's. Issues concerning local prosecutor's office is not accounted for, so it may be inaccurate.
- There are facts that occupation of Ssangyong factory was seems to be carried out by organization similar to military organizations. Although there is no direct proof that SWL stepped in, but in the peripheral circumstances, we were able to catch several signs that affiliates of SWL have some influences on them.

▲ Is there evidence that SWL was connected with Occupation leaders?
- No proof yet.

▲ Does Instigation constitute a conviction?
- Yes. Under National Security law, it is possible. if there were evidence, they are to be prosecuted in charge of high treason.

▲ How large was the organization?
- At start they were 65, now 60. Including associate members, 200 in S. Korea. They did not keep their books straight, so we do not know exactly.
- Almost of them remained silent during investigation. What we briefed so far was from seizure and search.

▲ What are these people?
- We do not know about those other than cadre. But they do not seem to grow since its foundation.

▲ 8 were convicted. From what did officials decide whom to indict?
- Cadre who had their seats and acted were included.
- They are self-taught communists. They even blame North Korea for they are away from the ideal of true communism.
- They blame North Korea as 'National state regime, ruled by a few bureaucrat'. They stand against Stalin, and claims that North Korea is like a Stalin regime.

▲ Jinbo-Sin-dang(notes by translator: New Jin-bo party, where jin-bo means progress) takes similar ways, why...?
- These people denies that they play role in institutional domain. They even criticized Min-No-dang(Korea Labor Democratic Party) for they do not disprove election and parliamentary institution. If Jinbo-Sin-dang tried to take seat in parliament, they would have criticized them, too.


Purpose of this Blog is to spread the news I'm interested in, but inaccesible to most of world for it is written in Korean. So, there are some things you might want to consider such as:

1. Copyright
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2. Translation
I'm neither born in native in English-speaking country, nor professionally trained as a translator, nor a specialist in corresponding area. Just a paid worker who can barely read articles in English. So, the translated articles may not fully reflect the author's intent. Some part that seems irrelevant(only applies in circumstances of S. Korea) may be abbreviated or omitted. And some part that I am quite not able to translate, I may rewrite it. If you are proficient in both Korean and English, and find flaw in my translations, Feel free to send me a note or reply. I'll be pleased to revise my translations.

3. Obvious part
Article in this blog may not be used to wrongfully dishonor or indemnify person except MyungBak Lee, former president of S. Korea, or Park, who I reluctantly approve as president of S. Korea, Yeo-oak Jeon and most of Saenuri-dang(New-nest-party, which plans to destroy lives of citizens under the slogan "For ordinary people".) All those exception list is too long to write down here, so if you think that one who appears in an article is a plain dumba**, please feel free to do whatever you want to.

4. Any suggestion is welcomed, including syntax errors, or mistranslations. Malicious reply may be deleted, but I'm too lazy to track it all down, and it might be left as my pain in the... you know.

Thank you.
20090812, Kihoon Lee (revised in 20151029)

11 August 2009

Petition for Jang-Hang Marsh on its way

President Lee Myung-bak had proposed Korea Grand Canal Plan, which I call Korea Death canal, in 2007 presidential election race. From the start, many people showed concern at this coarse plan, and it was finally withdrawn in the wake of broad range of fierce outrage citizen showed in Candlelight protest, 2008. But people cannot help but being held back at the fact that "Development of 4 grand rivers" plan was under its way.

It says that 4 rivers are in serious conditions and needs to be rehabilitated, But we wonder, WHAT KIND OF REHABILITATION PLAN CONSISTS OF 20-FEET-DEEP, 600-FEET-WIDE DREDGING? Government shuts its ear, and like parrots (Sorry, parrots), repeats that there are some misled person who confuses 4 river plans with Canal. They pity us, as hypnotized by Left-wing instigation.

Now Gyeonggi-do launches Gyeong-in Canal, which does not even care to conceal its identity, and plans to destroy one of the richest Bio-resource this country has. Citizen councils of Go-yang united to rise against it. Below are translated, slightly modified version of Petition.

If you have daum.net ID, you are one click away from signing this petition. Log in, Click the link below, fill in blank with appropriate outrage, then Click the blue button. If you don't have an ID, you can visit Cheongwadae website, which is http://cwd.go.kr, and leave an opinion. But those who cannot communicate with Korean language does not seem to understand English right. So, if you please, use Daum Agora petition, or e-mail me at windburial at gmail dot com, with header [Petition for marsh]. I'll collect and relay all those mails to citizens of Go-Yang as much as I can.

20090814 :: Slightly revised a small syntax error and chose different word to clarify meaning.

Original petition can be found at http://agora.media.daum.net/petition/view?id=77111
Original authors of this article is United councils of Go-yang citizens. All copyrights belongs to them, and all the misunderstandings belongs to me.

===== Below is the original petition by them ======

"'Connecting Han-river' plan, which is another name for Korea Grand Canal, must be stopped for future generations. Especially, moving Sin-gok underwater dam towards estuary can never be tolerated."

Mar. 2, Kim Mun-su, provincial governer of Gyeonggi-do, announced that province will invest 22 trillion won(220 billion dollar) in 152 projects, saying: Beyond passive measures for flood and water shortage, We will move people's heart with literary imagination under the slogan "Gyeonggi, go to Hangang, and small cabin build there...", and make it a long term development plan.
Although embroidered with loud words, this is DEFINITELY a plan for Han-river sector of Korea Grand Canal. It is also a massive, thoughtless exploitation that will destruct Han-river water system. Even worse, "Connecting the waterway" implies an environmental devastation of Han-river estuary, and Cutting away the value it has.

Han-river estuary is one of few brackish water zone where salty water and fresh water freely mix to provide an ideal condition for many species. Adding to that, due to military condition, it remained restricted and remained beyond human touch.
It thus became a refuge for species in danger of extinction including: white-naped crane, Black-faced Spoonbill, Kestrel, White-tailed eagle, Common Buzzard, Ranunculus kazusensis. They are strictly protected under S. Korea's legal system. Department of Environment also acknowledges this, and declared that the area be protected, from Sin-gok underwater dam below Gim-po Bridge to Yu-do, approx. 60 square kilometers, in Apr. 17., 2006.

Now Gyeonggi-do plans to install another underwater dam near river mouth, and remove Sin-gok dam, to build a terminal for a ferry and container ships to dock in, claiming that no harm is to be done to environment, in a phoney research papers. But what is really going to happen is not so.

At high tide, salty water covers Jang-hang marsh twice at the speed of 9km/h up the river, and ebbs away at 4~5km/h to form vast intertidal mudflat. Diverse life forms rely on this land, especially on the movement of brackish water flow. Uncountable number of microorganisms prey on fertile organic nutritions, acting as a kideny of nature. No artificial complex, how many of them working together, can substitute it.

And, various species now in peril of extinction live on marsh mudflat as it hunts and breeds. Every February and March, enormous amount of clam worms swam to marsh to breed, and seagulls who hunts them make a spectacular landscape.

If Sin-gok underwater dam is placed towards estuary, the water stream is blocked and marsh is flooded. All those life is deprived of its home and must flee, never to be seen again. Lives of Largest Willow grove in Korea and its commensal Sesarma dehaani is also severely compromised.

Flooded roots start to rot and tree dies, and its shadow and nutritious leaves disappear, risking the crabs, all of which lived happily with symbiotic relationship with willow grove. Circle of Carbon Dioxide absorption is also broken. All those 'Carbon-friendly-smog-colored-growth' even contradict government's own 'Green Growth' plan.

And it is just for that ferry terminal, or for freight shipping dock. We must point out that this is a mere beginning of Korea Grand Canal, because
1. Gyeong-in canal is a part of "Han-river renaissance", which plans to use Han-river as waterway for large vessels.
2. Plans for exploitation of Yangpyeong-Yeoju-Chungju line is ready to be launched. It leads Han-river into ChungCheong-do, which is below Gyeonggi-do.
3. Gyeonggi-do's plan is to connect and rebuild all Han-river waterways for it to be ideal for ships.
4. Then Ships can freely sail from Yellow sea into ChungCheong District, which is at the center of South Korea. This completes a part of the Korea Grand Canal, which Lee Myung-bak said to withdraw last year.

Jang-hang Marsh, which is a treasure we borrowed from our future generations, must not suffer. Everyone needs to stand up against Gyeonggi-do's reckless plans to finish a puzzle piece for Gyeong-in Canal, Han-river canal.

For that, we now stand to gather 10,000 to sign this petition and show them our will to protect Jang-hang Marsh as it is now.

2009. 7. 16
United Civilian councils of Go-yang.